Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Days Walking 1 - 50

Synopsis 1-50..........Synopsis 51-100..........Synopsis 101-134

I thought it might be handy for new readers to be able to get an overview of The Pilgrimage.

I've created links to the all of the posts, with a synopsis for each.

Barrow, Alaska
Days Walking - Negative 3
Preparing to start the hike in Barrow, and how my old blog went poof!

Barrow, Alaska Day 2
Days Walking - Negative 2
More prepping, and some intro on our hopes and dreams for the trip.

Barrow, Alaska Day 3
Days Walking - Negative 1
The hiking team is introduced.

Leaving Barrow
Days Walking - 0
Mere minutes before our scary departure from Barrow.

We're Still Alive!
Days Walking - 1
Ackian Peeps are super cool, and 5 Things We Learned.

Disolving Leather, Nipples Shattering Like Glass...
Days Walking - 2
My foolish plans to dictate the blog with speech recognition software.

How My Priorities Have Changed!
Days Walking - 2
Five things I miss most about civilization.

Impossibly Warm Hands
Days Walking - 3
Weird dreams and a Hot Hot Inupiat Man.

Hardcore Lovin' and Couscous
Days Walking - 3
I gush on and on about my Hot Hot Inupiat Man.

Portishead, I Invoke Thee!
Days Walking - 4
I listen to far too much Portishead one day and am inspired to write a Portishead song of my own. They have not deigned to buy the rights yet. I think they're playing hard to get.

At Terra in This Fateful Hour...
Days Walking - 4
I ask for help with Blogger. Turns out, Blogger was just messed up.

It's the Little Things
Days Walking - 4
I find a pretty leaf where no leaf has gone before. I still have it.

FAQ - Give Me Your Huddled Masses
Days Walking - 5
I answer lots of common questions about myself and the hike.

I Don't Deserve This
Days Walking - 6
I realize this a stark and beautiful place, and I invent a nifty glove.

Fresh out of Conception Approval Forms
Days Walking - 6
Five things I don't miss about the civilized world.

Girls + Boys x Alcohol = Sex
Days Walking - 7
First rest day. We all do a lot of crank.

Nutrient-Rich Earwax Nectar
Days Walking - 8
Kwame has a frostbite emergency, and spanish phrase of the day.

Secret Do-ings and Go-ings On
Days Walking - 9
Aurora is pretty, Anneli yells at Jake, Polar Bears discussed.

Freakish Hysterical Insect Issue
Days Walking - 10
Johnny Soderstrom is killed in an avalanche, Dad and his Merc army, Ackian tundra insect problems during warm weather.

Tongue Lashings and Specialized Wigglers
Days Walking - 11
A snow shelter collapses, and 5 Habits I Hope Stay Broken.

Heavy Petting and Pasta Primavera
Days Walking - 12
Jake and Anneli get it on and I pretend to sleep, and 5 Evil Things I Miss.

Alien Visitors and Ice Fishing
Days Walking - 13
Atka Island Volcano gets fussy, and our frozen lake crossing methods.

A Lone Potty on the Plain
Days Walking - 14
I have a bizarre dream about a porta potty, and enjoy Metroid for GBA.

Be Groovy - Or Else!
Days Walking - 15
Robin asked some great questions, I ramble on forever answering them.

Damn I am a Moron
Days Walking - 16
I get hurt messing around. Lots of RICE for me.

Samus of the Light Brown Hair
Days Walking - 16
We spend the remains of the day resting, due to my dumbass injury.

Brassiere Malfunctions and The Zed Word
Days Walking - 17
Repairing equipment - important stuff like my bra. Shaun of the Dead.

Penguins in Spaaaaace
Days Walking - 18
Jake and Anneli are officially "going steady". Dane Cook. Church talks in her sleep, and a link to some real adventurers, bitch.

Huffing and Kiwi Cravings
Days Walking - 19
My commentors rock! I post my first crappy picture, coin the phrase 'Fingerclickin Good', and consider cyrogenic necrophelia.

Shelly is a F*cking Bitch :o)
Days Walking - 20
Shelly is, she really is. Online relationships and their perils.

Coming Soon: Polar Bear Wrasslin'
Days Walking - 21
Kato plots to keep me sane. We find a lost snowmobile tread in the snow. We listen to a cool Russian radio show. I'm rhyming, please someone make it stop.

Amanda Tapping and Savory Lap-Dances
Days Walking - 22
Gabe Loves Him Some Stargate SG1. The term "Incest with it" is coined. I begin dictating my posts to Marina using the Sat Phone and leaving her voicemails. Much easier than messing with the laptop. Rachael Scdoris is my hero.

A Healthy Surplus of Funk
Days Walking - 23
We really, really smell bad. I detail a Serious Discussion for the first and last time.

Orgasmville, and Step On It! (Don't Spare the Whip)
Days Walking - 24
Jake and Anneli wake us up during a lovemaking session for the first time - wish I could say it was the last. I eat too many banana chips and fight not to hurl. Link is the man!

Gettin All Up In There (With a Flashlight)
Days Walking - 25
Church and Kwame get colds, Gabe's lips crack and bleed, and Caeled's nether regions sprout fugus. Fun.

"Phase 5 is Not an Option"
Days Walking - 26
The blog's most popular topic ever - the Poop Tent - is introduced. I really need to design one of these and sell it to REI. Or Comedy Central.

Buttons as Money and Chicks for Free
Days Walking - 27
The list of medical supplies is detailed, we begin bartering for sewing materials, and iPod radio.

Thieving *ssholes Will Pay
Days Walking - 28
I get in a real bad mood that lasts a few days. I got paranoid and edgy.

Give It Up For My Homies!
Days Walking - 29
I praise my commentors and their amazingness. Critter sightings detailed, I obsess about being eaten by a polar bear, and I pick a fight with Gabe.

Repressed Virginal Ice Phobias
Days Walking - 30
Ice carving photos from the Anchorage Daily News, trees falling on innocent people, and my fellow hikers are lazy slobs.

Happy Sigh
Days Walking - 31
Church likes to spoon in her sleep - not that there's anything wrong with that... Anneli bond over clean dishes. Audio blogging.

Muk-Luk Wearing Mahakalas
Days Walking - 32
We find a rock that is definitely not a meteor, I resist gettting my picture taken in my funkified state, and Roger Zelazny rocks.

Yet Another Tale of Woah
Days Walking - 33
I accidentally burn up my thermal underpants, and bag chasing fun.

Sexy Brits and Assorted Sexy Europeans
Days Walking - 34
I invite folks to request a postcard. The Prisoner and Bad Naked.

Lips Slickery With Balm
Days Walking - 35
My brother emails me, the bastard. Psychic-related cramps. Caeled's fungus issue relapses.

Wearing Woo and Pillow Pants Too
Days Walking - 36
Girl's Grooming Night. I hope to meet a boy to seduce in Prudhoe Bay.

A Fetish for 80's Synth
Days Walking - 37
Postcard requests start coming in, AdSense is a funky thing, and hike-funding money-making plans.

Life IS Pain, Highness
Days Walking - 38
I detail "a day in the life" in the hike. I need to finish typing this one.

Carol is the Keymaster
Days Walking - 39
We arrive in Prudhoe Bay and are threatened, rounded up by security.
I have to wait for my care package.

Daddy Loves His Litany
Days Walking - 40
I get my care package, discover there is no bar in Deadhorse, and write a short poem praising electricity.

The Soup Light - New Photographic Wonder
Days Walking - 41
I post pics of Deadhorse, Anneli, and ugh, myself.

Leaving Deadhorse
Days Walking - 42
We leave Deadhorse, and begin the Dalton Highway. This is the first time in the hike we've used roads (since leaving Barrow).

Curtains For You, Mugsy
Days Walking - 43
I describe the history of The Dalton Highway, and describe communal showering in Deadhorse.

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet
Days Walking - 44
We're not really supposed to be hiking and camping along the highway, I take a vow of silence, Things I Silently Observed.

Cacophony of Curses, Swearing and Spittle
Days Walking - 45
Pee Bottle Duty, we meet a trucker, and the joys of rooming with Adrian.

High-Calorie, Buttery Dinner of Sin
Days Walking - 46
More female truckers than I thought, The Silence of Litany Day 3, and Adrian's Unregretted Shame.

There Be Bluffs Up In Here
Days Walking - 47
Franklin Bluffs, Sir John Franklin, Pingo's, and musical tastes.

Adrian is a Good Cranker
Days Walking - 48
Steinbeck characters in Warner Bros Cartoons, Caeled's Fungus, and my need for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

The Dow of Pooh
Days Walking - 49
Kwame's sister goes AWOL from the USAF, The Tao of Pooh, and music taste queries.

Please Enjoy The Cookies
Days Walking - 50
More on Kwame's sister, the end of The Vow of Silence, and the benefits of raising children in Ack.

Synopsis 1-50..........Synopsis 51-100..........Synopsis 101-134


At 3:06 PM, Blogger Robin said...

Oooh...like cliff's notes.
"Okay class, here are today's topics for discussion:
How does Litany's conception of the future evolve throughout the pilgrimage?
Discuss the role of the poop tent in the pilgrimage. How does it drive plot events and how do the characters change because of it?"

At 4:53 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

neat idea--so sorry to see you leaving--what will your new blog look like??

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

wow, i head out of the country for a couple of weeks, and bam! some changes, but that's life. it was interesting following your exploits. best wishes in all your future endeavors

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Litany said...

Thanks guys! We all really like having you good folks as friends!

At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just came from your blog. It was very interesting and well written.

mercury dimes


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