Monday, April 04, 2005

The Dow of Pooh

Days Walking - 49

We didn’t make any progress today. We just sat here.
At about noon it became obvious that we weren’t going to be moving out, so I relaxed and tried to enjoy it.

Kwame is having some issues - or rather there are some Kwame issues back in The Civilized World. His older sister Janet is in the U.S. Air Force, and went AWOL from her post. She disappeared for five days, and the military police tracked her down last night.

As you might imagine, this is a huge deal to the USAF, and Janet could end up getting kicked out of the service, maybe even serving time. Janet and Kwame are really close, she practically raised him since he was ten.

This whole situation is a big blow to Kwame.
Janet had some substance abuse issues back in the day, and he’s worried that she has/that she will fall back into that world. He said that he just couldn’t hike today.

We’re giving him a day to cope, and wait for news. It’s cool, we’re not irked at him. I mean hell, the whole group lost a day when hurt my ankle, and I slowed them down for a good week while I gimped along during the healing process.

I traded books with Church, and now she’s reading Steinbeck and I’m reading The Tao of Pooh. It’s a cute little book, and an entertaining introduction into Taoism. If you guys have not read it, you should take a look. It’s a pretty quick read. Worth reading through more than once, to really absorb it.

It's the Dow of Pooh! Buy Low, Sell High.

Church said she read it years ago, and she’s just carrying it for the rest of us. Kooky Wench! Hey, I carry electronic equipment, she carries books. To each her own.

Kato - new music, yeah! I need to learn about some new music, take some time to discover new genres, get some tastes of my very own. I dunno if that’s something I can have help with or not…

Unless you folks can point me into quality directions? I don’t know anything about Classical, Blues or Jazz and would like to learn. What are the good groups/artists/albums I should check out? I’d rather avoid the modern adaptations of these genres, and go with the real deal folks back in the day.

-E! So thoughtful of you to offer to send some books my way! That could get expensive - books are heavy. If you and the rest of the blogging homies just keep writing your blogs, that’ll give me plenty of interesting adventures to read.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think your going to have some trouble finding cds of bach and motzart from the original guys lol you should watch the red violin

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Very bad news for Kwame. He must feel pissed, hurt, and helpless to be so far away (maybe a little unfounded guilt as well). It must be hard to keep things private in your little environment out there (I'm sure you'll drag Adrian's dark little secret out eventually). Do you all have an emergency departure protocol worked out?

Regarding your rest days, it's really a good investment in your health. As tough as you all think you are, little pieces of tendon or cartilege can grind things to a halt, so it is good to have rest time built in. I'm reminded of a film I once saw of a man who walked across Japan, top to bottom on the spine of the Japanese mountains. And at one point, he had to stop because something in his foot got inflamed from months of walking. It was just a repetitive motion injury, but for it to heal he had to stop walking for a few weeks to let everything get back to normal size and position (if I remember correctly, he worked on his Japanese for a few weeks). So this is just a friendly rest-is-good reminder, even if you are not making forward progress.

I wonder if someone will drop out of your expedition because of health or personal reasons. Which is the greater threat?

Hearing about personal issues during your adventure reminds me of a friend who moved to paradise (a tropical forest in Latin America). She bought land with a house, worked her gardens, set up a water system, sold some things in a nearby town (and did other commerce). And she mentioned at some point (in a sort of understated, confessional way) that she had hoped she would find happiness and leave a lot of her troubles behind, only to find that her troubles traveled with her to a small extent. Wherever she went, why...there she was! She achieved something that was supposed to make it all better, and of course, she had a nice life, but it was still her life, baggage and all. In other words, she went to another part of the world to get away from her unhappiness, only to find that her unhappiness was inside of her. So she did some serious pondering over that.

I don't mean to imply that any of you is running from anything. It just strikes me that you have a small community and a lot of time to think, and news like Kwame's is a piece of your lives that instantly travels around the world and tips things over, and I'm sorry about that.

Your "pilgrimage" implies you are going to somewhere, a teleological goal, and I'm not sure that is true. If I remember that fellow who walked across Japan correctly, I think he set out to walk through Japan, only to feel in the end--after growing along the way, meeting people, slowly immersing himself deeper into Japan's culture) that Japan had walked through him. Rather than taking Japan back with him, he had changed; and of course, that was a process and not really an intentional goal, but it turned out to be a treasure to him. And I think that's is what your adventure really is, a rare, experiential treasure. So enjoy it, and be safe.

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow im glad i posted my comment first kevin thats going to be a hard comment to follow like having the beatles open for your concert

At 3:26 PM, Blogger Heather said...

The Tao of Pooh...great book! Here is a solution to "having too many books"

rest up!

I absoluely loved Kevin's comment:
"I think he set out to walk through Japan, only to feel in the end--after growing along the way, meeting people, slowly immersing himself deeper into Japan's culture) that Japan had walked through him. Rather than taking Japan back with him,"

At 4:32 PM, Blogger -E said...

HAHA, see, I have the ability to abuse the mail system where I used to work, meaning I wouldn't pay a cent ;)

I know you said you don't want modern day versions, but SRV (though he's dead) is worth checking out. And as such, his protege Kenny Wayne Shepherd is worth checking out as well.

Etta James is certainly worth checking out as well.

And for good measure, completely not related, Gwar's Fuckin an Animal is good for a giggle. Note: Gwar epitomizes the music I cannot stand, but this song is hilarious.

You should also check out Bree Sharp's Dirty Magazine. It's a good smile too.


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