Sunday, February 20, 2005

Girls + Boys x Alcohol = Sex

Days Walking - 7

Should I say ' 7 ' days if we rested yesterday?
Yeah, I should.

We'll be heading out again as soon as the sun comes up, circa 9:44am.

Well, I wish I could say that something interesting happened yesterday, that we found a WW2 Bomber locked in the ice, or a mysterious cave with some new Bible scrolls. Nothing. These items and more might have been waiting nearby for our discovery, but we did not look.

Crank Crank Crank

It felt great to rest! I was kinda restless though. If I'd have been at home, I would have zoned out in front of the tv, half-reading a book. Here, I felt the itch to keep going, South and West. A little cream cleared that right up.

Crank Crank Crank

I have a toothache. I don't know if I brushed too hard, (I can be oh so vigorous) or if it's the old wisdom tooth problem. A dull ache. Ugh I know, I know, I should have gotten it taken care of before we started this trip. It's not bad, just distracting.

Mmn, Ibuprophen, how I love thee. One, two, three, gulp. Is it true too much Ibuprophen is bad for the vision?

I spent a significant portion of my 'resting' yesterday cranking cranking cranking. Not calling people, ala Crank Yankers, neh. We each have these little dynamo's, with rechargeable batteries and 'insert power out cable here' and you gotta crank. Want your iPod to work? Best get your crank on. Want to post blogs? Crank crank crank.

These silly little dynamo devices make a whirring "Wooo! Wooo!" sound, which sounds strangely like European Police sirens. "Warum sie beschleunigendes amerikanisches mädchen sind!!?"

Never had the pleasure of having the Polizei on yout tail? Give 'The Bourne Identity' a viewing and you'll hear what I mean. So all day long, you have this guilty, looking over your shoulder feeling. It sounds like we got "Smokies on our Six."

"Sh*t! Wipe the hard drives! Flush the merchandise! Craaaaaap!" But no, it's just eight people crankin. No, not crank the drug, geez I just explained.

So yeah, yesterday was pretty uneventful. I talked to Church about Adrian, and it sounds like she's not interested. I can understand, he doesn't seem to be her type. But if I know men, which I do a bit, starting at an unfortunately young age, these guys are doing the math (If math = sex, a lot more men would be going for degrees in mathematics) and saying "Three Girls + Five Boys + Five Years x Alcohol = Nookie" It's just a matter of time, the right day, the right mood, and the right level of vulnerability. They think.

But I really have no interest in a quick, fun, unfortunate shag followed by 4.5 more years of walking, after the whole thing ends up in an argument, and a "Just stay the f*ck away from me!" which means that the People I Can Talk To list dwindles by... um... a big percentage. Yeah, I don't know what percentage removing 1 from 8 is off the top of my head. Now see, if math = sex, mebbe I would have paid more attention in class.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 4:49 PM, Blogger Kato said...

You're way braver than I. I get cold just standing in front of my refridgerator. With the door closed.

Keep on crankin!


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