Saturday, February 19, 2005

Fresh out of Conception Approval Forms

Days Walking - 6

Today's Posts - 2 of 2

I miss my kitty. Meow, little one. Perhaps when we reach warmer climes, I will send for you, and carry you atop my backpack, like a Familiar... Until I am encircled by an angry mob and burned as a nose-twitcher. Hmn.

Five things I don't miss about the civilized world:

1) Traffic.
Cause damn, who needs it? Don't miss that red light washing over me, and the BRIGHTS from some as*hole's HUM-V blinding me from behind. Like a rough and indifferent hand groping my ass. Not even enjoying it. (Damn, at least one of us should enjoy it, right? No.) I flip down the rear view mirror, but pow, the brights still hit me, both barrels, from my side mirrors - -

- - So I end up leaning forward like a hunchback, trying to maintain my night vision. Meanwhile the cute guy in the convertible next to me (a neurologist and poet - He and I were Fated to be together, but not now. Never now) glances away quickly, embarrassed, averting his eyes from my creepy, twisted spine and speeds off, astounded and dismayed that such a malformed specimen such as myself can manage to drive a car.

2) Schedules.
I know that I still have a schedule of sorts, but it's based on the sun. And that's the only schedule I need. No ringing bells, buzzing clocks, chirping bleepy electronic bullshit reminding me it's time to rinse and run. "...Did you remember to punch in, Litany?" F*ck that.

3) Crowds.
The pressing masses pressing against me, everywhere I went, choked with people. You can't turn without bumping into someone, or stand still for two seconds without being in someone's way. I'm waiting hoping and praying that some wacko billionaire will decide to build The City of Tomorrow, in the Nevada desert say. It's designed for exactly X number of people, and no more - -

- - Everything is within walking distance. Because humans can't be trusted to limit themselves, and we keep building on and on and adding more floors and more people and the population density just keeps going up. No. It needs to be X number of people in Y amount of space. If you want to have a second kid, you'll have to move to city #48, because #47 has reached the max. Or wait a few weeks till one of the old fogies dies. "...We might have an opening in November, you can apply for a Conception Approval Form then."

4) Mortgage, refinancing, loan radio ads.
I'm afraid that I listened to a lot of AM radio "KNX Ten Seventeee, Newws Raaadeeeoohh!" during my Past Life (- you know, a couple weeks ago -) and damned if every other minute there was a stupid annoying ad for mortgaging. I need to get satellite radio cause damn. I'm all for advertising, some ads are funny and wonderful, - I might even go into advertising some day - but they need to be more targeted to the specific listener. I don't need to hear about geriatric shit, (like how to better manage my Social Security) I'm 20 f*cking years old. Talk to me about how to have safe sex, make the world better, how to adopt a puppy, how to choose a career, how to cure zits and appreciate music and art, and tell me about the amazing new novels that just came out. I don't need to know how to choose a burial plot, no no no. Well, it's a technology thing, and ads will become more personally directed. It's just a matter of time.

It's so precious! Adrian is trying to flirt with Church, and while his skill in survival is a thing to behold, he's no Ladies Man. Let me just check... Ouch! 'Zero Chance of Snogging' per the National Weather Service. Sorry Adrian.

Maybe I'll give him some pointers when she's out of earshot. But he does have 2 months of putting her (all of us) through Hell - during the training - to work against. All that negative reinforcement is gonna take some time to fade, I think.

I'm really craving salt today.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I quote: "I'm 20 years old. I tested out of HS early, started college at 16, changed my major three times, then dropped out. Loser."

Nobody is a loser, no mather wat.

At 3:49 AM, Blogger Robin said...

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At 3:54 AM, Blogger Robin said...

Ugh...traffic and crowds...two reasons I'm someday moving to a remote part of Canada (eh). sure I agree with Rick (that nobody's a loser no matter what)..


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