Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Amanda Tapping and Savory Lap-Dances

Days Walking - 22

We've shaken up the marching order a bit (yes I was once an RPG girl - roll for surprise!) and spent today walking with Gabriel, with whom I have not spent much time thus far. Now, Gabriel is wont to spend long periods in silence, contemplating who knows what.

When you ask what he's thinking about, he just gets this distant smile and says "Nothing." Whatever, don't be so mysterious. Tell the truth! Say "I was thinking about all the savory lap-dances I'll get when we get to a real city." and / or "The wings really are great at Hooters." Speak yo mind, mah bruddah!

So anyway, it's hard to get him talking, but I finally hit the right subject. (Or maybe the wrong subject?) Stargate SG1. That's a TV Show, sci fi. Oh My Lordy, he went on and on. And apparently, if one 'Amanda Tapping' is out there, (who?) he wants to give her a shout out. MM-Kay. I think we talked about that show for a good couple of hours. I've seen a few episodes, it's cute, it's campy, it didn't thrill me.

Anywhoo, the point of this story is that when we first started talking about the show, he said "I'm incest with it."

There was this big pause, and then I started laughing. I sank to my knees in the snow and just lost it. I'm tired, that's all. And when I get tired, almost anything can set me off.

"Incest With It!" Hee hee!

It was clearly a Freudian Slip of some sort, and he changed it to "Obsessed! I'm obsessed with it!" And he was yelling that, so now I started laughing even harder. Everyone else was already watching me crack up, and now they're raising a brow in unison, as "I'm obsessed with it!" comes echoing across the plain.

So now I've adopted the phrase as my own. It's now officially a new way to say Obsessed. It's an obsession that has taken a dark direction, feeding into primal needs and hungers best left unsated. Bwa haa ha!

Starting today, I'm trying out the 'use the sat phone to ramble my post to Marina's voicemail and let her type it out' idea. I just don't feel like going through all the steps to set up the sat uplink, connect, boot up the laptop, connect, type out the blog, etc etc.

...I've stressed that when I say "and I want a link here" it had better be there, and "put this in italics" it damn well better be put in italics. We have a friendly rivalry going, we like to give each other a hard time. For Marina, think of an Italian version of Rosario from Will and Grace. But not as funny. Dad just gave her a $1 an hour raise to put up with my daily BS, so she's not grousing about it. Congrats, Marina! Extra cash is always nice. - -

- - I tried creating a member name thingy for Marina, which I did. But when I did, it totally threw my blog template out of whack. My pic and profile snippet ended up at the bottom of the screen, displaced by the "blog members" box, and it seemed to throw the width of the post text boundaries out of kilter, ick ick.

And I aint got time to be messin with the template code. So I just gave Marina my password. No commenting on porn blogs using my name, Ms M!! As if she would. She gets nervous looking at Calvin Klein ads. She's a Good, God-Fearing Woman.

My commenting peeps! I feel the need daily to cheer your great blogs and funny comments. Let's just say you guys are amazing, and leave it at that. Otherwise, you'll just get tired of hearing it. Like hearing "I love you" one time too many from your lover. You're like "Yeah yeah, but what have you lapped for me lately?"

...and in other news:

"Well F*ck me gently with a chain saw." (Trivia - what movie is that from?) Anyone who thinks what my group is doing is even slightly nifty should check this out: This girl is legally blind and doesn't let it stop her.

It's a common topic these days that humans don't know their limits, push too fast, too far, and at the expense of others. But it's also true that without pushing the envelope, we don't progress.

Humans are great, I love humans. If extraterrastrials ever show up, I hope it's Rachael Scdoris they meet - and not some crackwhore, a carjacking assh*le, or the U.S. Army. Here's hoping First Contact is with someone we can all be proud of.

Of course, Rachael's sled dogs might decide The Visitors are ever so tasty for dinner, and that would be bad too. Hmn. I mention ET's pretty often, don't I? I'm not a big UFO nut or anything. Just like to think the universe is fulla cool peeps, gettin' they chill on, relaxin. Makes me happy to look up and think that.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 10:19 AM, Blogger Kato said...

Gabriel knows what he's talking about. I'm incest with Amanda Tapping.

We can never hear how awesome we are. Please feel free to devote a paragraph a day to your commenters and fellow bloggers. In fact, screw the whole "I'm walking across several countries" deal, we're way more interested in seeing our names mentioned and tasting the sweet, sweet fruit of vanity. :P

To answer your trivia question, "Heathers." What do I win, I hope it's a Big Fun album.

At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check it out: http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/gadgets/inflate-video-camera-035268.php

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Heather said...

A little over twenty days in...I wonder what you'll find hilarious on day 458?! A bird! Bwaaahahaha!

You're officially linked on my blog...if that offends...lemme know and I shall do da right thing

take care, rest hard


At 4:02 PM, Blogger Robin said...

damn, so she's getting paid 40 bucks extra to type for you...I'll do it for 30! and hey...if you're not typing any more, what will happen to "fingerclicken good?"

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Litany said...

'Fingerclicken Good' was not about my blog, it was about you guys, and your blogs! And it still applies of course.

I still like to get online at night, if just for a few minutes.

I just won't be trying to post at 6am anymore. I'll just phone that bitch in to Ms. M, and that's that.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Litany said...

Hmn, the quote IS from 'Heathers', of course you are right. What do you win... Hmn. The satisfaction of being the first one?

I hadn't really thought as far ahead as your prize...

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Kato said...

In lieu of a prize I would accept a congratulatory high five. Or a virtual one, at least. I'm easy to please.

At 7:27 AM, Blogger kthrne said...

I'd like to place an order on a "I'm incest with William Shatner" -t-shirt.


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