Muk-Luk Wearing Mahakalas
Days Walking - 32
News flash!
Nothing happened.
We came across a perfectly ordinary sedimentary rock that Gabriel swears is a meteor.
"Um, Gabriel, there's like a snail fossil right here."
"That's why it's such a spectacular meteoric discovery!"
It was too big to carry away, so we noted the coordinates for the USGS. I'm sure they'll make it their top priority. Also, sedimentary.
Janine - I'm truly sorry if I offended you, or any other readers. I don't feel that same-sex relationships are a bad thing, I just don't know if they're for me. I'm not anti, I'm not phobic, I've just never met a woman that made me want to commit to her in an physically intimate relationship. I'm sorry that your first comment was a snarky one. Let's be pals?
Mike - a group photo?
Are you the insane? Right now, we all look like well-equipped Neanderthals. My skin is blotchy and slimy (combination skin is the polite term) my hair is a total disaster. And my eyebrows - let's not go there. I'm not all that vain (being not all that attractive) but I am after all from Los Angeles. Which means I have certain overdeveloped expectations and standards for my appearance in a photo. For me to be posting a pic at this point, in this condition, in this state of disrepair, nope.
I'm thinking of you guys - Seeing me in my crusty form, you'd recoil from your keyboard in distaste and never read my blog again. (Cause I know you only come here for pics of hot chica's...) I've tried to take some pics of the group, but all I get is a torso with a blurred hand (you don't have to imagine very hard to picture the gesture the hand is suggesting) in front of the face.
No one wants to be seen right now. Jake let me take a pic the other day while he was wearing a gear bag over his head, but I doubt that's what you're looking for. I know that you guys want to put faces to all our names, (it's just so many silly words without photos).
Oh, while we're on the subject - Nice pic, Robin!
Once we arrive in Prudhoe and I can shower, condition, shower, pluck, shower, apply foundation, coverup, powder, spackle, wash and wear clean clothes, let the zit on my nose fade away, I will hook you patient people up with a photo - of myself at the very least. I promise!
How did I assemble the team - I posted queries/descriptions via online bulletin boards for insane expedition-hiking-type peoples! It took about nine months total to find everyone and narrow down the list to the final eight and alternates for each member, based on skillset. Good thing, too - three of the original people ended up bowing out. Two of em were a couple, and they got pregnant.
Kato - Ohhh, 'Dapping' is fist bopping, got it. I never knew what its proper name was, thanks. Hee hee! Dap right back atcha!
Lucas - thanks for the link to the computer voice site. I must be doing something wrong, because all I get after I type in my text and hit 'go' is a broken web page. No biggie. Exactly zero votes for mp3 posts. The populace has spoken!
Heather - Mahakalas, you say? (Mahakalas, also known as Dharmapalas, are powerful protectors for the spiritual practitioner from all kinds of obstacles. Mahakalas have a strong connection to the Karma Kagyu Tradition, one of the four great schools of Tibetan Buddhism, of which the 17th Karmapa is the guiding force. Mahakalas can tame mental obscurations or aid in overcoming difficulties arising one's life which prevent living a good life. They also are noted for clearing obstacles from the mind-stream.) Hmmm. I'll try to show them respect, feed them tasty treats, and gain their trust. Have you read the novel Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny? It's an interesting futuristic novel with lots of Buddhist, Hindu, and other religious themes. It's well done.
Also by Zelazny is a religious, futuristic short story called 'A Rose for Ecclesiastes'. I don't know if religious sci-fi is your thing, but it's surprisingly good. IMHO, Science Fiction, at its core, is the best genre for examining the human condition and morality - outside of the staid daily perspective.
Kevin - lots of bad dreams, I know. I don't know why. And yes, I'm very lucky to have in Church such a laid-back sheltermate. She has oodles of empathy. I need to learn how she does it.
Litany Webb, signing off
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Thanks for the book recommendation. I see that we are having similar body image issues. Well that we are having issues is what is similar. I'd send you a pic of me...but I am afraid you would be afraid. Mahakalas like tea by the way. And then they want it offered to the earth...somewhere where no one walks. I don't suppose you would know of such a place?
"With a curvaceous figure that Venus would have envied, a tanned, unblemished oval face framed with lustrous thick brown hair, deep azure-blue eyes fringed with long black lashes, perfect teeth that vied for competition, and a small straight nose, Litany had a beauty that defied description." heh
Heather - Tea it is! Hmn, offerings where no one walks, I'll see what I can do. :o)
Robin, thanks for the lovely prose poem description! You're giving me a lot to live up to - gonna be some disappointed people out there if they believe your wonderful fibs.
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