Tuesday, February 15, 2005

How My Priorities Have Changed!

Days Walking - 2

I am back.
I was left alone in the shelter for a few seconds, and had to get my scratch on in the worst way. It was my right leg, thank you very much. My underoos (thermal underwear) were chafing. Considering there are only 7 other people within like 30 miles, it's silly that we have no privacy.

Five things I Miss Most:

1) Bathing.
It's not just for Birthdays, anymore. I mean damn, Caeled. Everyone is getting pretty whiff. Not me, of course. But I've heard that people are insensitive their own odors. Hmn. What's that stuff that forensic, CSI type people put on their upper lip so they don't bork on the corpses? I want some of that, REI should carry that as camping gear.

2) Indoor bathrooms.
I swear, our distant ancestors had it rough, and I can't imagine living through an Ice Age, thousands of years, with no bathroom. Hell, I used to complain on mornings when the toilet seat was cold. No longer.

3) Eric's sweet sweet love organ.
Sigh. Why did I break up with him? I think I thought this trip would be all about smores, rum, sleeping late after amazing campout sex. Let me tell you, three people in a tiny tiny shelter does not equal romance. Especially when you consider Thing I Miss Most #1. My nipples have been numb, tingly, and rock hard for days, and I swear they are wearing a hole in my parka. One day I'll trip, hit the ground, and my tits will shatter. (I miss bathing more than sex. I'm not sure what that says about my priorities. I thought I knew me.)

4) Starbucks Chantico Drinking Chocolate, Dear Lord Yes.
Why did I have to discover a new chocolate obsession two weeks before we start walking the earth like Cain? At least Cain has Enoch. Gets to hang with the peeps, chill with the homies. Bet he even has some drinking chocolate. Substandard cocoa, leaving him wanting more. And no biscotti, he's been bad.

5) My kitty.
Her name is Maleficent and she's a beautiful Russian Blue mit papers. Ja mit papers das goot. Perhaps I will breed her, start a Russian Blue farm and become weathly, disgustingly wealthy.

Thank you Heather for the DH synopsis yesterday! The plumber dude got shot!?? Nooo!!

Church is remaining deliciously mysterious. I have not been sheltering with her, so maybe that's why she's the only one I don't want to drown in the snow. What a way to go. Heh Heh.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 12:18 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

stumbled on the blog. good read, good wit; good luck to you

At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Girl, all that exercise and you cold...you just might melt away!. This will be fun to track! STAY WARM and watch for scabies. xoxoxox

P.s.Life of Pi? One awesome book, I must say!

At 3:35 PM, Blogger grace said...

i'm kind of envious that i can't do such a thing... but then i remember that i can't live with showers and warm water... oh, and desperate housewives... :P


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