Thursday, March 03, 2005

Penguins in Spaaaaace

Days Walking - 18

I was able to gimp along at about half speed yesterday, maybe a bit faster. Looks like we did... 4.39 miles. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet now, and change the main blog header to " just 10 years." I'd seriously consider it, but if I did make the change, The Group would mutiny and run screaming. Hmn, is it 'Mutiny' when you flee in a crazed fit of maniacal laughter? Better to call it AWOL.

Jake and Anneli are now openly friendly, in plain sight of one and all. They can often be seen holding hands during the breaks, and peering at one another with coy grins, whispering, giggling, and sharing quick kisses. You know, typical schoolgirl stuff. (It was the 90's. What can I say?)

Their lovebird shenanigans are cute, unless they're getting on my nerves. It's like I reach a limit, you know? Right about yay-high, and then it's not cute, it's irritating. They take the extra time to build their own personal shelter now, so I guess I won't be getting any more voyeuristic late night love peekings. Unless I ask to watch, and they should happen to be into that scene.

Hmn. Jake probably would, men have no scruples. His mind would be jumping forward to "and Litany won't be able to resist my hot body, and she'll join in, and we'll have an amazing threesome. And I'll have my own harem, and I'll never have to do my own laundry again!"


But the fact that J&A take the extra time to build their own love nest means that we now have 2 people per shelter, which is nice! (We were too tired / exhausted / lazy after a long day of slogging to go to the trouble before... but for Lovin, it's worth the extra effort)

It's me and Church sharing a shelter now, and she doesn't snore. So nice, after rooming with Jake and Caeled, who both did. Snore. And snort. And make the stinky stinky air in the night. Church is also more thoughtful, and keeps her gear a lot neater than the guys did. I might well have found my permanent rooming buddy.

She does murmur in her sleep though... Last night I heard, I think I heard, "Bring back my kite, you f*ckhole." Blink blink. She's such a well-mannered girl, by day...

Robin invoked Dane Cook! Yeeeah!
"F*ck Bees! I will punch every bee in the face!"
I've seen him perform live, and he's amazing.

In other news, a couple of Adventurers (Note the capital A...Note It!) are planning to cross from Alaska to Russia, across the Bering Straight next month. These guys are the shizzle, and I wish them good luck and safety. One line in the news story slays me: "The two adventurers met in Antarctica in 1998" - -

- - Now, you gotta realize that Antarctica is 4.5 million square miles of NOTHING. I mean, like the emptiness of space, except with penguins. And they meet there. "Come here often?" Maybe Antarctica is where The Love of My Life is hiding out.

Maybe I'm hiking the wrong freakin continent.

Hee hee I just added "shizzle" to my custom dictionary.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 7:29 PM, Blogger Kato said...

Your observation about Jake is very astute. That is without a doubt exactly what he'd be thinking if you asked to watch. It's a guy thing.

I'm very jealous that "shizzle" is in your custom dictionary. The coolest I've added is "mojo". Shut up, I could so use it again.


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