Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Oh She's Workin All Right...

Days Walking - 127

Hmn, Kato - I'll have to get some Font Gnome repellant on the way home from work tomorrow. Dratted little critters! You know, if they'd just ask, I'd be happy to give up at least half of my fonts.

Speaking of fonts, it's odd how my taste for fonts changes. For a couple of years, I was all about Times New Roman and wouldn't use anything else. Then it was Courier New. Right now it's Verdana. Am I the only one with weird font preferences? Not that Verdana is weird, I think it's very clean and crisp.

Caeled was able to get my fonts back for me. In the end, he removed all the TTF files from the font folder, and then returned them. Now it works fine. Wacky!

I got Caeled a job!
It's a good thing too, cause he had no prospects and I suspect he was spending his days chillin at the library. The flyer place where I work needed a new techie, and I recommended Caeled highly (and recommendations from migrant flyer-stuffing laborers weighs weightily) and they asked him a few questions and he got the job.

It seems their last IT guy up and quit, and meanwhile all their systems are choked with spyware. Ha ha I think that's some delicious irony there. I told him not to make the fixes look too easy, or he'd be out of a job.

It has always boggled me how people will shirk any job, no matter how easy it is. Doug - one of the dumb*ss guys at my work - got fired today because instead of rubber-banding the flyers to doorknobs, he threw his entire payload into a bush like two blocks from our distribution center.

Management has these pickups that they troll around in, making sure we're out and about and doing our thing as directed. The wind was blowing the flyers out of the bush and across the street, right in front of one such manager as he sat at a red light. Busted!

I mean, this job is dull and mindless, but that describes most jobs. We can listen to music, and we're outside, and Fairbanks is a very pretty town! What's the problem, dude? Maybe this was just one minimum wage job too many for him, and he didn't care any more. The other guys said he'd worked here for like three months.

I guess if this job was all I had to look forward to, I might quit too. Since I know it's just for a few weeks, I can hack it. I mean, if you're going to quit, at least say so before you get all loaded up and trudge off into the world. Say "I quit. Sorry. Can't do it no more." and navigate your ass to Monster.com. It's not hard.

Now Church needs to get her butt in gear and get a job of some sort. (She's completely opposed to flyer-stuffing) Although, if she did, there would be no one to guard our campsite, and I have to admit, it's well worth it to me to know she's there.

She's freakishly careful, and I know for a fact that all my goodies will be intact, not on fire, and waiting for me when I get back to camp - (barring a natural disaster). So maybe that can be her job, watching the crap. She's gotta be bored out of her mind, but she deals with it pretty well.

...Or mebbe Church IS working, and we just don't know it. Mebbe she's getting her freak on with other campers for cash. They do seem very friendly towards her... Hmn, especially that one attractive, older guy with the very snazzy RV.

He's all "Hey Church." and she's all "Hey Tim." Uh huh. I think that's pretty suspicious right there. That's no friendly greeting, they're plotting their next tryst! I need to set up a webcam to watch the camp and see what she's up to while we're all working...

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun with fonts. I love Century Gothic.

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Vicarious Living said...

I agree, it's worth it to keep Church there to guard your stuff.
But if you do set up that webcam, let us know. Could become a money maker itself...


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