Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Secret Do-ings and Go-ings On

Days Walking - 9

Next Bar / Shower / Bed - Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
Distance - 143 miles
Arrival Estimate - 18 days

I am wide awake in the darkness of morning. It's very still outside, everything is quiet and very very peaceful. Jake was breathing so softly, I thought he'd stopped, and had to watch him closely to see the rise and fall, rise and fall.

There was a rumor I heard somewhere that constant, unceasing wind can drive people into crazed fits of anger, that the irritation of friction eats away at your resolve, good manners, and any semblance of civilized demeanor. Let me just say that the rumor is true, and I'll testify under oath with my hand on the Bible and all that.

Anneli went apesh*t yesterday when Jake dropped her Rio Karma. She completely overreacted, the gizmo is just fine and spouting out tunes as per usual. It was uncalled for, and we all told her so. However, Anneli and Jake had been sheltering together, so now it looks like I'm swapping and Jake is now with me and Caeled. At least for the time being. She's been edgy for the last couple of days, I don't know what her issue is. Except the f*cking wind, which has been a true source of constant irritation.

The Aurora are beautiful, and I've heard that some cultures try to conceive their child basking in the glow. Sounds good to me. "Little One, you were conceived under a beautiful, dynamic sky dancing with colors." (instead of "during a weekend trip to Reno, I think...") Actually I think I learned that during a Northern Exposure episode, so I can't ratify this bill into law.

Sing it: "R-A-T-I-F-Y! Sock it to me Sock it to me Sock it to me YEAH"

You know, I have to wonder if there's something else going on between Anneli and Jake. Mebbe some secret doings and goings on in the dark dark of the night? Hmn. This here could turn into a soap opera if we're not careful.

Marina's phrase of the day:
"Este abrigo hace que me vea gorda"

"This coat makes me look fat."
Thanks Marina. Maybe I'll start blocking her email address.

Did you know Kodiak Island, Alaska was discovered by a Princess? Tis true! And Magellan was only a nobleman. Pshh nobles, as if. Oblige this.

Reader 'Mike' asked about critters yesterday. Yep, they're around. Most of them hear us coming a mile away and take off. We see a lot more tracks than we see critters. As for protection, being noisy Americans does a pretty good job. The majority of animals appreciate their solitude, and will scamper away when they hear us coming.

Some guides I've read actually recommend whistling or singing. As for bears, yes that is a concern, and I should not have slept with a Lunchable. (it was just pillow-talk Baby) Protocol dictates that you store all food, utensils, scraps, and the clothes you wear while cooking - away from camp, up off the ground, and downwind of camp. Whew!

A polar bear can smell a seal's breath from like a half a mile away. Not their cute but stinky asses, just the breath. Crazy. Imagine what my unbathed rump must smell like to a polar bear - probably detects me at 5 miles. So far, animal sightings are slim. I've seen exactly three adorable white fox's and a lot of birds. Or one persistent fox, can't tell.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 1:59 PM, Blogger Robin said...

I once went on a trip to Europe and it went something like this: stay somewhere 2-3 days, take a train, wander around and find lodging, stay for 2-3 days etc etc. While wandering around in Paris in the pouring rain, my umbrella broke and I was so exhausted I wanted to scream. So I know how your friend feels.


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