Sunday, February 27, 2005

A Lone Potty on the Plain

Days Walking - 14

We've taken today off!
1 day of rest in 7.
Neither my vassals nor cattles shall work this day.

I had another weird dream.
I think dreams will be in blue, from now on...
So in this dream, I had become separated from the group, and was walking alone. I was unbothered by this, for some reason. Anyway, I saw something squarish in the distance and began walking toward it (since man-made objects tend to stand out).

As I get closer, I realize that it's a porta-potty, like you see at construction sites. There's nothing else around it, no equipment or buildings. Just a lone potty on the plain. So I walk up to it, and -

"Hello?" I said.
No answer.

The little status disk sez "occupado", but I yank on the door anyway. It's latched from the inside, but if you've ever used one of these, you know they're not very secure. So I jiggle the doorhandle and after a few moments, it opens.

Unsuprisingly, there is a frozen dead guy inside.
His pants were around his ankles, and he was reading a Rolling Stone from June of 2002. (With Natalie Portman on the cover.)

The dead guy looked a lot like a brunette
Paul Bettany.

Now here's the part I wasn't expecting.
Without preamble, I grabbed him by his tattered hat, - which was frozen to his head - and yanked him out of the potty, and onto the ground.

I then made thorough and ecstatic use of the facilities, and was very happy.
What can I say, it was a dream.

I'm sorry to say that I spent all day playing video games. I could have waxing poetic, writing something inspired, but instead, I slept really really late, ate way too much food, and played video games.

There was a lot of Metroid: Zero Mission (A GameBoy Advance game) going down, and also some Mario Kart (GBA, again) vs Adrian. I smoked his ass, as per usual. Bring it!

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 8:30 PM, Blogger Robin said...

A couple questions for ya:
What do you all talk about?
How different do you think your trip would be without ipods, video games, computers etc?
What are the biggest things (for lack of a better phrase) you're hoping to get from the trip?
How does the experience so far compare to what you thought it would be?
Do you know what you plan on doing after your trip is over?
Do any of the other-um-walkers write a blog?
As you were planning the trip, did you choose the group of people who were going carefully to make sure you'd all get along and work well together?
Just curious.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Kato said...

Port-a-potty dreams rock! Wait...what the hell am I saying?

I thought that was pretty cool, dream though, all things considered. I mean, frozen dead guy? You can't top that. Particularly amusing that you didn't let it dissuade you from using the facilities. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger shana p. said...

cool dream - I like the fact that you opened the door even when it said 'occupied' and yanked the guy off so that you could use it instead - shows that part of you that forges ahead without letting anything stop you, even things that would stop most.


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