Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Brassiere Malfunctions and The Zed Word

Days Walking - 17

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, being an additional 'rest' day due to my sprained ankle. I've been testing it on and off, gently, and so far so good. It's twingy but not too awful. It's wrapped just so with an ace bandage, (thank you Adrian) and we'll see how it goes.

We hung out, and worked on the equipment. There was a lot of duct taping going down, and I sewed up some sock holes. Darning is a lost art, maybe I can find a real seamstress I might apprentice to.

The savage, jabby metal strip from one of my bra's decided to emerge from confinement and tried to kill me by drilling (covertly, it thought) through my breastbone. Usually they go for the arm, this one's a strange breed. It's now sewn back into place, where it can't harm anyone ever again.

Gear - A lot of items had been stuffed into packs a bit randomly after a few weeks of use, and we took the time to unpack and then re-stow it all, shipshape.

Some of the stuff we thought we'd be using - but haven't touched - are now repurposed to the bottom of the packs, and like that. The items we use every day are now more accessible, which is cool. Everything is charged up and raring to go, including the group.

Last night we all watched.Shaun of the Dead.on my laptop, while we each took turns cranking the dynamo.

Now that's a dedicated need for entertainment. There was much laughter and giggling, and I know that today is gonna be all about Shaun quotes. "I'll stop doing it when you stop laughing..."..and.."I'm quite all right, Barbara, I ran it under a cold tap."

Oh! And:."Mum, he chased me around the garden with a bit of wood!"

We're all looking forward to today, and hope we can make up for some lost time...or at least not lose any more.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 9:32 AM, Blogger grace said...

that movie effin' rocks!

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Robin said...

I think the ability to quote movies in an inborn of my friends remembers every line from every movie he ever saw...I've tried to acquire the skill so I don't have to sit there with a dumb look on my face or pretend I know what he's talking about (to save him explaining where the quote came from), but I just can't. From Dane Cook though (, I remember every word (fuck shoes!!)

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Kato said...

Sorry, I have to admit, I didn't read your post. I saw the word "Brassiere" and that was it for me. Easily distracted.


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