Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Days Walking - 120

Holy Cow, I find myself suddenly gainfully employed. Whee! I am happy to be contributing to the group. Minimum Wage Baby!

Today was my first day, and I'll be getting paid weekly. It's a good thing too, the camp site charges us $15 per day for occupancy, which is not freakishly high, but it adds up. Kwame provides daily food now, which will greatly help fundage saving abilities. Once we manage to start saving, that is. Kwame's pizza place also does chicken wings, so we are not destined to one day hate pizza.

Kthrne - I'm happy to hear that your posts are not lost forever... Of course, if someone chooses to delete their own stuff, well who better to judge? It was just jarring - like arriving at a restaurant you enjoy frequenting, only to discover the walls are missing and most of the tables are gone. You're like "Whaaaa??"

Robin - I can appreciate the need for a private journal, I do look back at these posts sometimes and cringe. So far, I have resisted the urge to delete stuff, but I feel ya!

Oh, what job did I get? I'm leery to mention it, because I have taken a job that performs a function that no one appreciates. I'm not cheerful about my function, but it will help me to keep in shape while we put together the funds for more supplies, replace some gear, and make some difficult decisions. So far only Kwame and myself have jobs, the other peeps are looking, but no luck yet.

Since I really had no phone number to put on my job applications, I was reduced to just stopping by and saying "Hey, remember me, that girl who's lookin for work?" At this morning's second stop, they were like "Yeah we remember you - Can you lift fifty pounds?"

Hell, my pack weighs like 500 pounds. I told them as much. I got the job after a demonstration of my manly strength. The guy said: "All right then, you can have the job if you can start right now."

"Bring it." I should have said. I think it was, "Um, Ok."

All right, you've been patient. My job. Ummm. You know how you get up in the morning, you're late for work, and you're bustling out the door with your purse and work bag and your little tupperware lunch container and your keys and the movies to be returned to Blockbuster and you hurry outside and try to lock the door...

And there's some crummy flyer from some random retail business rubber-banded to your doorknob? And you mutter a few curse words and yank the stupid flyer off and toss it inside on the floor by the front door (cause you don't wanna litter your outside doorway) and grumble about how stinkin spam is everywhere?

Well if you live on the west side of Fairbanks, you can thank me for the stinkin stupid flyer on your doorknob. You should have seen me when I left the Stupid Flyer Depot this morning. They give you this industrial-strength apron thing with all these pockets and they load you up like you're a freakin pack mule. I didn't get to weigh this sh*t, but I swear it totaled a hundred pounds easy. But it's distributed front and back, so that helps.

Until you imbalance yourself because it's easier to reach the ones in front and next thing you know you have an awful backache without knowing why, and then you realize you're straining just to keep upright, and it's your own fault. I'm not whining, I'm just describing how it was.

Today I spent all day rubber-banding flyers for 'You're Special Flowers & Gifts' onto unsuspecting people's doorknobs. They seem to be a snazzy shop with very nice gift baskets. I murmured a little prayer for each flyer delivered, "I'm sorry for the litter, but maybe you'll actually find this useful."

Actually, that's how the mantra started out. By midday, it was "Sorry." without any true repentance. And by late afternoon, it was "Ugnh." Yes by that point I was grunting in apology.

I got lost coming back and came close to being eaten by several supposedly tame dogs.

I ran out of rubber bands about lunchtime, (they were cheap and a good third of them snapped when I tried to use em) and ended up just sticking the flyer into the crevice between door and frame. Which is even more annoying for the resident, I know.


Litany Webb, signing off

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At 3:47 PM, Blogger Heather said...

So how long do you intend on being gainfully employed?? How much do you need to save for the next leg of your trek? Are yor looking for replacement members? So many questions...


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