Sunday, June 05, 2005

Extra Extra! Read All About It!

Days Walking - 111

Another day of no progress. We're almost to Fairbanks, we can see the lights aglow in the sky at night, taunting us. But it's all good, I'm in no hurry to get a day job just yet.

My Word, all sorts of sh*t be transpiring in this here locality!

You'll be largely spared from the sad, typical ratio of 2% hiking news, 98% rambling inane BS because for once, some stuff happened.

First, a bit of a flashback. It turns out that Church and Anneli were fighting yesterday because Church caught Anneli going through the medical supplies. You see, no one gets to rifle through the medical supplies. The proper procedure is to go through Church, who knows exactly where everything is.

She'll deliberate your actual need for the item, find it, record its use in her Meds Inventory - I'm not exaggerating - and help you use it, if necessary. She's very good, very thorough, and very anal about the whole thing.

So Church caught Anneli going through the medical supplies, and a "What do you think you're doing" and "None of your beeswax" tiff occurred. Only louder and with more swear words.

It wasn't until Church saw what Anneli was taking that she backed down, a flurry of whispering took place, and I walked in as they cheerfully discussed the weather with much animation.

And then last night, during a contemplative, digestive, vegetative after-dinner moment around one of our very rare campfires (we're getting more bold, this close to civilization) Jake stood up, knelt at Anneli's feet and asked her to marry him.

"Anneli, would you do me the honor of marrying me?" he said bravely. He was so cute right then, I might have said yes if he asked me with that same look on his face, and the firelight just so.

Anneli smiled and flushed and said "Yes!" almost immediately and they hugged and kissed and we all cheered. It was a very beautiful moment, and for once the eight of us were all cheery and happy at the same time.

He'd made her a cute little ring he made out of copper wire, it's a precious little thing.

And if you have not guessed by now, Anneli was digging through the medical supplies for a pregnancy test. She was like 2 weeks late (yes, THAT kind of late - since we have no jobs or schedules, there's only one way for a girl to be late...)

So now Jake and Anneli are engaged and they are also pregnant. They wanted to be engaged before we all knew that she is With Child. Obviously this raises lots of questions, ones I don't want to ask her but really want the answers to.

Is she gonna keep the baby?

Is she gonna marry Jake?

How will her parents feel about her bringing home a white boy?

How are they going to find somewhere to live in 9 months or less?

How will they/he find a job with good insurance in 9 months or less?

Until which trimester can you hike all day long?

How will their decisions effect the rest of us? How can I even waste time on how I will be effected - it's all about the baby, and Anneli needs excellent prenatal care, starting instantly.

The whole 'sleeping outside in danger of wolves and bears and avalanches' has got to stop for the three of them, obviously. I'm trying to picture what I would do if I was the pregnant personage.

I don't know. I could say one thing now, and feel totally different if I was actually in the situation. We all have a lot to think about and discuss, and we have to be sure we don't put any pressure on Anneli, or make her feel bad if/when they want to leave the group.

In other health-related news, Gabe's knee is doing slightly better. The swelling has gone down, and he has a very respectable bruise going on, with some impressive discoloration. You take an involuntary inhalation through gritted teeth when you see it - you know the sound I mean, the "oooh, that's gotta hurt" sound.

I'll keep you guys posted.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god this blog is better than TV anyday!!

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Kato said...

Wow, crazy happenings. Congratulations to them both!

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Well! That is very exciting! Congrats to the parents to be! That certainly throws a serious wrench into the whole hiking to Chile thing doesnt it? 111 days later..bang! And then there were nine. And if you were seriously asking how long she could hike...I'd say at least to 7 months...but she'd need serious nutrition and extra rest time. Thats not to mention the possible time off for morning sickness and hemorroids. I mean humans at one point in time made such journeys. I wouldnt say it was impossible...but I wouldnt want to do it!

Good luck to all of you!!

At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the happy couple! If this was a TV sitcom, y'all would be the wedding party. Will the wedding take place is Ack since their love blossomed there?

Questions. Questions.

At 7:13 AM, Blogger shana p. said...

crap! holy crap! and I thought just hiking to Chile was exciting enough....

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

wow. now that's news! congrats, and I hope everything works out for everybody. I agree with Heather's post. There are lots of unanswered questions, but hey, that's life, isn't it?

At 8:18 AM, Blogger kthrne said...

Never a dull moment. Congratulations from me too!


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