Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Girl - In The Coffeeshop - With the Lead Pipe.

Days Walking - 117

We gave blood today! Blood's ever so important, give some thought to sharing your precious fluids!

Kwame went to work today - none of the rest of us schlubs have found employment yet. Of course, spending nearly 3 hours watching Star Wars took a big bite out of the day...

Although I did make $1 during a visit to a coffee shop! This could be the beginning of an all new career for me, and for lazy slobs like myself across the world.

Ok, here's how it went down. We got there in the morning, in the midst of a on-the-way-to-workers waiting for their caffeine fix. It's me and Church, I'm plotting to get me some hot Cocoa, and I get in line. She's just along for the wait.

When we joined the line, there was a good ten people ahead of me. So we're chatting, getting closer to the front, and Church spies a dog who's just getting tied up outside. She decides that she must go and meet said puppy.

She leaves me to go pet the doggie, who is this adorable shaggy mutt and promptly sheds all over her, but she doesn't care. She comes inside with the owner just as I'm about to be next...

And she and the puppy owner cruise on up to me:
"Hi I'm Max. Church says I can buy your place in line for a dollar?"

Church nods encouragingly at me.
"Um. Ok." I mumble.

Back to the end I go, with Church practically giggling about how cute Max is. He's ok, not all that - not my type. I think she's been out in the wilderness too long.

But the selling of the place in line was inspired. I mean, these folks are trying not to be late for work. I'm in no rush. I wonder how much I could make per day just standing in line, and selling my spot.

Of course, it depends on what the people are waiting in line for, and the time of day. Morning and evening rush hour. Somewhere like the DMV or other government offices or airport ticket counters...or maybe even coffee shops!

Perhaps it would work as a team thing - one person by the door of the establishment, outside if it's a small place, and the other person inside, in line.

Someone approaches the establishment -
"Hey Buddy, it's real crowded in there - aren't you late for work?"

"Listen, give the girl in the red shirt a dollar, she'll give you her spot."
"Really. What a great service! Thank you, mysterious stranger."
"Hey no problem."

We wouldn't have to make tons of cash, just enough to average out to minimum wage. And the tips! Don't get me started. I'd be pimpin my backpack with velvet and sequins hoo haa!.

Oh! And I need some new underwear. We did some browsing at clothing stores, and I gotta tell you, new underwear looks nice! The fabrics! The colors!

And when did this whole 'elastic' invention debut? Keen!

As I rinse my sad underthings at the spigot of the campsite, I remember the last time I saw such a sad pair of drawers - they belonged to my first boyfriend, and when I saw them, I made him throw them away. Yeah, it's time for new panties...

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 11:59 AM, Blogger kthrne said...

Hey, sell everybody's old underwear on Ebay! I'm sure some perv... eh, people would pay good money for those.

"Underwear. Male and female. Used. Worn on a over 100 day hike in Alaska."

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Kato said...

kthrne has a point. A disturbing one, but a point nonetheless.

I like your "cut-in-line-for-a-dollar scam". You could do one better by making it a pyramid scheme: don't actually do any of the work yourself, have people tell other people how to run the scam but they have to pay the next up the pyramid $1 dollar for the info. You'd be rolling in it in no time.

Or maybe you could combine kthrne's idea with your own: "Yea, I'll give up my place for a dollar, but can I interest you in a pair of painties while you wait?"


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