Saturday, June 04, 2005

Mmmn Cherry Garcia

Days Walking - 110

We're taking an unscheduled rest day - Gabe slipped on some mucky mud about an hour into today's hike and wrenched his knee. It's all swollen and angry-looking now and he has trouble putting weight on it.

He's a brave dude, but the way he yelped when he tried to stand up and immediately fell over again, I know it's gotta hurt pretty bad. Without an X-Ray, we can't know what's going on inside. For right now he's keeping off his feet, keeping that leg elevated, and we're waiting for the swelling to go down.

He might be able to continue with a splint and a make-shift crutch. But if the knee problem is serious, we might have to resort to a stretcher or a litter. That's gonna be fun, carrying the man all the way to Fairbanks. But it could have been me that got hurt, so no complaining here.

Hey maybe we could make like a moving dollie instead of a stretcher. It always seems uncanny how a heavy load becomes so manageable when you tip it just so. Hmn, but would Gabe allow one of us to tip him just so? That would take a lot of trust. One slick oily spot on the road and down he'd go. Nice theory, but probably a bad idea.

Ooh very cool - Thanks everyone for the interesting book recommendations! I plan to ambush a Barnes and Noble and hunt down each book for perusal.

Squirrley - welcome! I don't think you need to worry about your friend visiting Alaska. The people here are good, solid folks who are very down to earth and helpful. Night and day compared to Los Angeles, I can tell you!

Church and Anneli got into a fight this morning, I didn't catch what it was about, and by the time I got back to camp, they were being guardedly civil and strangely chatty, which made me even more curious. They wouldn't tell me what was up. I suck, I would make a terrible war correspondent wouldn't I - -

"This is Litany Webb, on the scene in... Where are we? I don't know where we are, but there's a lot of sand blowing around. Some people were shooting at some other people, and there are some dead bodies over by... uh, that building, you know - the tan colored brick one."

Janine - Kwame is doing fine, thanks for reminding me! We've been keeping an eye on him and so far he seems good. I think he might be overcompensating though, because he doesn't seem to be eating enough now. Loss of appetite, he says. I guess if seven people watched me like a hawk every time I picked up a spork, I'd lose my appetite too.

Hey there's a weight loss plan - plant a webcam in your kitchen and connect it to the internet. Log in to '' Then people can watch your eating habits, and they know when you keep sneaking back in for another handful of cookies. Of course, you could just take the package into the living room and no one would be the wiser...

I'd worry about the food fetishists out there. "Ooh, she's eating Cherry Garcia again, right out of the carton. Ohhhh that's so hot, Pant Pant." and that would be weird.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 10:32 PM, Blogger Vicarious Living said...

Now I know what's been missing all these years.... bring a pint of Ben & Jerry's to bed and watch the fireworks explode! Way better than a fingernail clipping fetish I bet. Hi Litany - just found your site and will have to play 110 days worth of catch up. It will be like reading Mayle or Mayes, just a bit saucier I imagine.


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