Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Outsource THIS

Days Walking - 121

Eric - You're right about the job outsourcing thing. My friends in Los Angeles are in constant fear of losing their jobs, especially to India. The British just HAD to conquer them and teach them excellent English, didn't they?

There's a Connection for ya, Mister Burke! "How the British Occupation of India during the 18th Century led to the utter downfall of economic stability in the western hemisphere in 2007."

The scary thing is, jobs that can't be outsourced (and a great majority can) will one day be done by robots. My job could easily be done by a remote controlled car with a little robot arm on top, pulling a little wagon full of flyers.

I wonder if paper junk mail will one day cease to be, and it'll all be online ads and spam. Since you can pay all your bills online now, there's really little reason to ever go to your mailbox.

Heather - How long do I plan on working? As short a time as possible! Isn't that true for everyone? Not that I mind work, I appreciate putting in hours and accomplishing something, and going home at the end of the day feeling like I did a good job, proud of my work ethic and all that BS.

And of course, annoying people with flyers gives me a great sense of job satisfaction.

As for what our target funds level is - not sure yet. We're still figuring out what equipment can be repaired and what needs replacing, and if we leave Fairbanks with 5 people instead of 8, that changes the amount of food and other supplies we'll need.

The insect problem was getting pretty heinous the last few weeks of the hike. Caeled is all about complete coverage of his person, including duct taping at wrists and ankles. Shudder.

I can't even consider such a thing. I get claustrophobic just thinking about it. I would feel a little trickle of sweat run down my face and I wouldn't be able to see it or scratch it and I would think there was a bug inside my clothes and I couldn't get it, and I'd end up flailing on the ground, shrieking and clawing at my extremities. No thanks.

Adrian got a job giving out samples for some Thai place. If there is a worse job than sticking little bits of food on toothpicks and trying to convince people to eat it, I don't want to know about it. I'd much rather muck out stables. At least there would be horses to pat-pat.

Mmmn, Red Curry Chicken and Thai Noodles... (insert Homer salivating sound here...) Good thing I'm still walking all day every day - I'd gain ten pounds a week with all this food.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 10:08 AM, Blogger Kato said...

I've probably said this before but Connections rules! Too bad it doesn't seem to be airing anywhere right now (at least not in my area).


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