Wednesday, June 08, 2005

And I Wacked Myself But Good

Days Walking - 114

Huzzah! We arrived in Fairbanks at about 9:30 last night, and I promptly mashed my thumb pounding in a stake for the tent. Under the nail is now all icky brownish red. I put some dark blue nail polish on it to hide the yuck factor. I hope the nail doesn't fall off, that would look even more gross.

Church and Gabe ended up happily sleeping in chairs at the Emergency Room, and enjoying indoor plumbing. (it's interesting what qualifies as a hardship after months on the road - before the walk, I'd opt for a root canal before spending all night in an ER - now it sounds kinda nice) They got to take showers for free! This may seem like glorious charity, but as I've indicated before, we are rather odorous, (a sponge bath only does so much) so it was probably a humanitarian gesture on behalf of everyone in that wing of the hospital.

Since Gabe wasn't bleeding from head or other vital organs, it took almost four hours before they were seen and Gabe examined. And then of course, they have to take your temp and blood pressure and all that crap, when what we needed most was an X-Ray of his knee.

It turns out, Gabe has (And I'm quoting Church here, because this is all Greek to me) "An Articular Cartilage Injury, with a floating loose body or cartilage chip, interfering with the joint." They gave him an ice pack and some Tylenol and told him he'd need surgery.

So he's talking to his family, and figuring out what is to be done. Gabe has a relative who's some kind of doctor, but he's not sure what kind. We'll know more in a day or two.

Jake and Anneli tented with the rest of us, and first thing this morning, they headed out to the hospital to get Annelli examined. Since they have no appointment and no injury per se "I've been on a hiking trip for months and I think I'm pregnant and I'm worried for my baby" does not beat out the guy who just nailed a spike through his foot. So we'll see.

Our group is so damned small all of a sudden. I felt fear - I was actually afraid. There are four people missing, four people who have been in constant earshot for months and now it feels like they're lost or missing - -

"Where the hell is Chuch and Jake and Anneli and Gabe!! Where where where?!" my subconscious demands, frantic. "We lost them somewhere, they're hurt, they fell down a ravine, where is everyone?"

Am I so weak-willed? Seems so. I had to grit my teeth and breathe deeply and remind myself that everyone is alive and well, they are safe and sound at the medical center, and they will not die just because I'm not there to reassure myself.

I baby-sat for a toddler once, (Hi lil Gina!) and almost the whole time she was taking a nap. I must have checked in on her fifty times in two hours, because God Forbid anything should happen to the kiddo on my watch. The life and death responsibility was scary. The sudden lack of four members of the team was the same sort of feeling, I just really wanted to be able to peek in on them and make sure our four wayward walkers were safe.

Heather - life after Fairbanks, Hell Yeah! I don't know exactly how it's gonna work, but I'm gonna do my best.

Caeled and I got stuck guarding the gear and campsite while Adrian and Kwame have just set out into the city to procure a newspaper, fresh bread, bologna, twinkies, TP, an assortment of batteries, and thank you deity, many cans of 'Deep Woods OFF!'

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 10:52 PM, Blogger Robin said...

Wow--so what will you do if they (those three) end up quitting (for lack of a better word) the hike?


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