Sunday, June 19, 2005

New Books For To Read!

Days Walking - 125

I finally got some new books! Per excellent reader recommendations, I picked up ‘White Oleander’ by Janet Fitch, and ‘Magician’ by Raymond Feist - (they didn’t have "Magician: Apprentice", I so settled for this one). Heather - I couldn’t find the books you recommended, though I looked! It was a used bookstore, so variety was limited.

I’ve just started White Oleander, and so far it’s good. We traded in our old books and actually have a smidgen of credit left, which we will spend long before we depart Fairbanks, I’m sure.

Eric - I haven't given up on finding a better job, but this one does have its benefits - I get paid weekly, in cash - and it keeps me in shape for the next leg of the hike. If something better comes along, I'll take it, but I don't want to waste time looking when I could be earning/saving.

Sharon - Not sure how long we'll be in town. Another few weeks, it seems. And how did we figure out how much money we'd need to get us this far? Anneli had a formula she wrote to help calculate it, and I'm not joking.

As for how much we'll need before we leave again, it all depends on Jake and Anneli at this point. I think they've decided to keep the baby, so now it's just a matter of when they'll leave. But this is just gossip - they've yet to tell us their plans in detail. They need to do that, and soon. But we've been trying not to pressure them.

I was off today which is cool. It’s nice to have nowhere to be, be able to veg. But instead of just sitting around, I ventured out into Fairbanks alone, to find some nook to sit and people-watch. There are more tourists than I expected, but I guess it’s practically summer.

I was walking past a bar around noon and two guys came spilling out, in the midst of a fight. I managed to avoid getting tangled up, which was a good thing because they were getting really viscious. That’s why you should drink at home with friends!

I borrowed a couple of DVDs from a guy at work (Hi Daniel!) and so last night we enjoyed ‘Freddy vs. Jason’ and ‘Blue Velvet‘. Funky movies, both of them.

I love DVDs, they’re so tiny. VHS tapes were just so clunky! And movie media are just gonna keep getting smaller - look at the Sony PSP discs, which have movies on them now. I wonder if Sony DVD players will one day be able to play PSP media?

I’m gonna be sharing music with the peeps at work, so when we leave Fairbanks, I should have a decent sized new music library. It’s odd, but at least half of the guys at work are huge Country fans.

I guess it’s my fault for assuming, but I never pictured Ack as a base of Country music fandom. I’m not really into country, though some of it is fun. I prefer the funny songs to the woe-is-me-songs.

Gabe’s absence has resulted in greater spaciousness at the campsite. We’re rotating through, and everyone is getting one night alone in their very own personal tent. Tonight will be my night, and it’s gonna be sweet! The Freedom! The Scratching! I can’t wait!

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 10:13 AM, Blogger Robin said...

Yay to alone time and veg-ing!
I hope you like the book :)

At 11:49 AM, Blogger kthrne said...

I forgot to recommend books earlier, but try out The Egyptian by Mika Waltari.

At 7:45 AM, Blogger Kato said...

Cool, I hope you enjoy books. If I remember correctly, the one simply called "Magician" is the original and then the author (Feist) rereleased it as two seperate volumes (subtitled "Apprentice" and "Master") ten years later. The only difference is that the two volumes have a little bit more in them--stuff he had to cut to meet his editor's requirements the first time he published.

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Kato said...

Er, rather, "enjoy the books".


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