Thursday, June 02, 2005

I Want My Empty V

Days Walking - 108

Big Hugs for all my wonderful peeps! Bless all of you for your thoughtful words, insight, and kind support. I couldn't ask for better friends. I can literally feel your helpful energies across all these lonely empty miles. It's when you're in trouble that you really know who your friends are!

I really appreciate that you all took the time to give me virtual hugs and guidance, they are very necessary and very welcome. Dad is doing better - and is also touched by all your kindness.

Good grief I'm going to start crying again.

Dad's supposed to get out of the hospital tomorrow and is not scheduled to die within the next decade.

Speaking of DEATH, I was reading Dooce the other day (as everyone does/should, as she is prurient bloggie cakey goodness mit frosting) and since there was no new post just then - what, does she have a life or something? - I clicked on the daily photo.

The pic, in reference to Memorial Day showed the tombstone of Jon's father. Like I really needed a picture of a beloved father's final resting place, right then... But the point of my mentioning this is that on close examination of the pic, I noticed that the heading for the spouse did not yet have a listing for the dates of the mother.

So the mother is still alive - or buried elsewhere...

It would be weird to go and visit your husband's plot and sit there and know that you'll be spending many years rotting a few feet below where you now sit/stand. I don't know that I would go to a cemetery to visit a loved one that has passed on.

I tend to think that all points are equidistant to heaven. It's not like the person has spent time in the cemetery, nothing of their essence is in the tombstone. Unless they carved it themselves, and then really how much essence can soak into granite?

I think I would prefer to not know exactly where I'll be buried or scattered or stored.

At this point, I think it would be foolish to allow one's body to be destroyed. Pop me directly into cryogenic freeze, thank you. Even if it takes 200 years to cure whatever my cause of death was, hey I'll be a patient popsicle. Of course, how would the expensive procedure be paid for is a mystery...

Perhaps I could enter some sort of indentured servitude once revived, and work off my debt for five years or ten years or whatever. Any skills I might have would obviously be hopelessly outdated, so I'd probably be stuck doing manual labor.

But wouldn't they have robots for all the manual labor by then? Well something equally banal then. Sex slave or some such. But wouldn't they have sex robots by then?

I could write a book about this exciting 21st Century era.
...But wouldn't they have robots for book-writing by...

Maybe I could go on a talk show circuit, and tell the viewers all about the 21st Century. Cause you know, all those other recently thawed people wouldn't have ruined that gig yet... Hmn.

Or they could put all us recently thawed people on a reality show, and mix us up with modern day people of the 24th Century and hoo boy the laughs would be aplenty as we were confounded by the tri-sexuals and Britney clones.

'And what Litany doesn't know is that Dana isn't just a tri-sexual, it's a tri-sexual robot!'

Yowza, that's some good music television.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 12:01 PM, Blogger Kato said...

Sounds like you've gotten your spirits back, now that the panic attack has subsided a little. That's good cause we wouldn't want you worrying away and then mindlessly falling into a crevace or a wolf's waiting jaws.

In the future we'll have blogbots to entertain us.


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