Thursday, May 05, 2005

Chaos, Avalanches and Whatnot

Days Walking - 80

I'm a screamer.
And I don't mean that in the sexual way - (although...) - I mean, I'm very vocal. I can be quiet and reserved when the situation calls for it, but typically I'm a pretty upbeat somewhat loud human being.

If I have to be quiet for too long, I do this odd thing, maybe other people do this too - A silent scream. I'll hide my face from people and I'll make this total psycho screaming face, and I can hear it in my head, all piercing. I imagine the scream streaming out of my mouth as if I were a banshee, knocking over people and trees and causing chaos, avalanches and whatnot.

Silent Screaming helps me maintain my sanity. Just thought I'd share that, and see if any of you guys have any similar tricks for maintaining your sanity in this irritating, antagonistic world of ours. Perhaps I can adopt your tricks and become a sane, well-balanced human some day.

(Speaking of reasons to scream, the misguided kiss-oops-justa-friend thing with Adrian is still uncomfortable, we have not talked it out, it's very awkward, and I am one dumb bizzle.)

Gabe took a reading of 46 degrees today. It seems that the Spring we've heard so much about has finally begun to manifest. Allow me to complain at this new turn of temperature.

I should rename the blog The Complaining of Litany. While being cold sucks, being somewhat cold and all wet really really sucks. I kinda miss the days when constant dripping sounds did not make me need to pee once an hour. I've become pretty adept at holding it.

And that's with no Poop Tent! Gabe and Anneli are working on building a substitute for us all. Whatever. I wish them all the luck, but I'm now resigned to my bare ass to the wind destiny.

Snow and Ice, wherefore art thou? Water as a solid is a much more predictable, friendly substance. You know what ice is gonna do. This new, strange liquid stuff is so chaotic. What's up with that.

Still feeling crummy, though I have no symptoms to report. I'd really, really, really like a week off at a resort spa in the Caribbean, though. Is that a symptom? I slept all day yesterday, and didn't even do my typical relaxing-day-off stuff. That's when I know I'm tired.

We should reach Coldfoot in the next day or two. Oddly, the highway signs seem undecided on how to refer to it - some say 'Cold Foot' and others 'Coldfoot'. Which is correct? Anyway we should be there soon. We're pretty low on funds at this point, so this stop will be all about getting resupplied, and not so much about comfy beds. Even after we arrive in Fairbanks, we'll still be camping. And working odd jobs to earn hike-funding cash, bleh.

I'd like to apologize to you guys - I'm still reading your blogs, really. But the sad state of the satellite system battery - (no, I still have not found the spare. I've given up) - means that I have come up with a new process for reading web pages.

I either save the content to my hard drive, or just speed read through, and hurry on to the next amazing blogger. So you should know that I still love and adore you - especially you, yes you know who you are - and I read you daily, but I gotta be expedient in my page views.

Yesterday, there was an actual, bona fide argument about whose turn it was to read the People magazine we took in trade the other day. And it wasn't even the girls - not to participate in stereotyping, but People is more a gal's demographic. It was Kwame and Gabe, of all people, and whoda thunk it?

Ugh I just hope that People Magazine has not turned into a stroke mag for these guys. I know they're short on new visual stimuli, but really that's the only reason I can devise as to why two men would fight over it.

Not like it's Penthouse, or even Stuff. I didn't really probe into the reasons, I just heard the yelling - yes, yelling, and did not care to fact-find beyond that.

I don't know what they're doing with that mag, and I'm just glad I'm done reading it.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 10:37 AM, Blogger Kato said...

I had started to think you had just grown tired of your Blogger support group. Someone needs to hook your walking-across-the-hemisphere ass with a better Internet!

Incidentally, your core readership (or commentership) must be on the West coast, cause I seem to get the jump on posting here most days. Or maybe I'm just a trend setter. Maybe people are so in awe of my fantastic comments that they wait for me to post before they do just so they know what they are up against.

Or maybe it's just that your posts coincide nicely with my return from lunch. :)

At 12:00 AM, Blogger shana p. said...

good luck with the poop tent - was sad to read you had lost it....

things are much better now, but in the past I used to scream at the top of my lungs while driving on the freeway, making me indistinguishable from most of the other drivers.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Hey girl! Kissey? I've been outa the loop! I have some catching up to do!
Cold foot or bust!!


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